CRF Consultation
(too old to reply)
2005-02-08 10:01:10 UTC

Response by Alan Fossey

Q1 Do you agree that the CMA should be invited to nominate a
representative to serve on the Community Radio Fund Panel?

Yes, but with three caveats. (1) Because CMA is a community & voluntary
sector company benefiting from public and charitable funding, the
process of selection should be transparent and made public at every
stage. (2) CMA should not be permitted to set a precedent which cannot
be followed by other organisations with similar remit. (3) A length of
service clause of, say, five years should be placed on any committee
members sought from outside Ofcom. (cf. Ofcom CRF consultation document
item 4.1.).

Q2 Do you agree that, in future, an expanded fund might be used to
support stand-alone projects as well as core competencies within
community radio stations?

Yes, but the nature of a range of such stand-alone projects should be
made clear, if not at the outset, at some key stage after the beginning
of the expanded fund. Stand-alone projects should be in keeping with
the social gain obligations of licencees.

Q3 Do you agree that monies from the Community Radio Fund should be
awarded to community radio services following an assessment of
individual applications which takes into account their relative needs
and merits?

Yes. Awards should ideally not be tied to match-funding.

Q4 Do you agree that awards from the Community Radio Fund should be
given to recipients as a single lump sum?

Yes. The single lump sums should be payable immediately after the
awards are made, thus avoiding potentially disastrous cashflow gaps.

Q5 Do you agree that groups which have already received support from
the Community Radio Fund should be able to make subsequent applications
in future years?

Yes, but the Panel should take into account the delivery of social gain
obligations of the applicants in assessing its decisions.

Alan Fossey::Associates
Community Media &
Internet Radio Specialists
87 Broad Street
01495 791599 / 0797 499 8240
2005-02-08 11:03:58 UTC
My apologies for posting this twice; glitch at Google - what else? LOL