This is a genuine up_my_ass_load by anthony brandy. Stop leeching off my tax
(too old to reply)
Jose Sanchez
2010-04-30 06:50:23 UTC
On 29 Apr 2010, anthony brandy public flasher <***@asb-comm-logicx.com>
posted some news:150a7ce6-1db1-471c-a3a2-
This is a genuine
We don't care about your sexual adventures in gay hangouts.
Jose Sanchez is a pedo
2010-04-30 08:32:08 UTC
Post by Jose Sanchez
posted some news:150a7ce6-1db1-471c-a3a2-
This is a genuine
We don't care about your sexual adventures in gay hangouts.

You would jack-off to child porn.
2010-04-30 18:11:41 UTC
Post by Jose Sanchez
posted some news:150a7ce6-1db1-471c-a3a2-
This is a genuine
We don't care about your sexual adventures in gay hangouts.

You would jack-off to child porn.

Why are you so abscessed with Child Porn?
Why are you making accusations with nothing supporting them?

How am I living off of your tax dollar,
if I don't even live in the UK?
Or did you move here?

You're more intelligent then this.
The problem with you is, every-time someone digs it out
of you at all, you crawl back into that corner again.
Let yourself out. You're doing more damage then good to
Sort to speak, I have myself wedged in a corner.
I have nothing about me hidden.
I do what ever I'm comfortable with, nearly any time I feel like.
I have *Minor* Pedophilic impulses, which I deal with, by never
allowing any child here.
I do it by choice,, Not Magan's Law!
Go look it up yourself.. Dennis E Strausser Jr.
Lebanon PA.
I'm *Not* on that list.
Nor are some people I know, who should probably be on
that list.
My impulses are three times stronger for stuffed animals.

Ask me what I would do,, for my Fievel Mousekewitz
stuffed animal..
And I'll answer you with a question.
What wouldn't I do for my Fievel Mousekewitz
stuffed animal.

For such a smart guy,, (Anthony Brandy)
You act like a complete idiot.

There's also a such thing as Natural Sexual Impulses.
Unless you're an alien, you have them.
Some people's impulses for children are around 1 or 2%
Some, are closer to 10 or 15%.
1 - 15% or so, is right about the natural boundary.
I'm probably bordering on 20%.
Your typical Pedophile has about a 40 or 50% rating,
on the impulses toward children.
Some, have around 70 or 80% Those,, those are the ones
you hear about the most.
Technically and psychologically speaking,, I probably would
still fall under the Normal category in percentage, if I hadn't
been abused as a child myself.

I'm a clean person, where the law's concerned.
What else would you make out of a person, who's lived nearly
40 Years, and still has no *Real* crime against him?
Even my brother and sister, cant make that claim.
My record is that clean, I could,, and wanna run for politics.
I'm clean enough to be a politician. There's just plain nothing
strong enough against me, to not run for something.
No felony of any kind. *None*
I don't plan on committing a crime, to change this either.
That's one of the reasons I avoid children.

I never had anything on my record, *Strong* anyway.
And I'm not about to start now.

One of my future goals? Change the laws on Indian Reserves.
Take that loophole away from the pedophile.

Fieve.. ;-) :-)
Jose Sanchez is a pedo
2010-04-30 20:26:14 UTC
Post by Jose Sanchez
posted some news:150a7ce6-1db1-471c-a3a2-
This is a genuine
We don't care about your sexual adventures in gay hangouts.
You would jack-off to child porn.
Why are you so abscessed with Child Porn?
Why are you making accusations with nothing supporting them?
How am I living off of your tax dollar,
if I don't even live in the UK?
Or did you move here?
Every time I buy anything that is made in America same of the price go
to pay American tax revenue.
You're more intelligent then this.
The problem with you is, every-time someone digs it out
of you at all, you crawl back into that corner again.
Let yourself out. You're doing more damage then good to
Sort to speak, I have myself wedged in a corner.
I have nothing about me hidden.
I do what ever I'm comfortable with, nearly any time I feel like.
I have *Minor* Pedophilic impulses, which I deal with, by never
allowing any child here.
I do it by choice,, Not Magan's Law!
Go look it up yourself.. Dennis E Strausser Jr.
Lebanon PA.
I'm *Not* on that list.
Nor are some people I know, who should probably be on
that list.
My impulses are three times stronger for stuffed animals.
Ask me what I would do,, for my Fievel Mousekewitz
stuffed animal..
And I'll answer you with a question.
What wouldn't I do for my Fievel Mousekewitz
stuffed animal.
For such a smart guy,, (Anthony Brandy)
You act like a complete idiot.
There's also a such thing as Natural Sexual Impulses.
Unless you're an alien, you have them.
Some people's impulses for children are around 1 or 2%
Some, are closer to 10 or 15%.
1 - 15% or so, is right about the natural boundary.
I'm probably bordering on 20%.
Your typical Pedophile has about a 40 or 50% rating,
on the impulses toward children.
Some, have around 70 or 80% Those,, those are the ones
you hear about the most.
Technically and psychologically speaking,, I probably would
still fall under the Normal category in percentage, if I hadn't
been abused as a child myself.
I'm a clean person, where the law's concerned.
What else would you make out of a person, who's lived nearly
40 Years, and still has no *Real* crime against him?
Even my brother and sister, cant make that claim.
My record is that clean, I could,, and wanna run for politics.
I'm clean enough to be a politician. There's just plain nothing
strong enough against me, to not run for something.
No felony of any kind. *None*
I don't plan on committing a crime, to change this either.
That's one of the reasons I avoid children.
I never had anything on my record, *Strong* anyway.
And I'm not about to start now.
One of my future goals? Change the laws on Indian Reserves.
Take that loophole away from the pedophile.
What garbage! What text book are you copying from now? Or maybe I
don't want to know.
2010-05-01 16:45:39 UTC
Post by Jose Sanchez
posted some news:150a7ce6-1db1-471c-a3a2-
This is a genuine
We don't care about your sexual adventures in gay hangouts.
You would jack-off to child porn.
Why are you so abscessed with Child Porn?
Why are you making accusations with nothing supporting them?
How am I living off of your tax dollar,
if I don't even live in the UK?
Or did you move here?
Every time I buy anything that is made in America same of the price go
to pay American tax revenue.
What!? Sales tax doesn't go for that,, and there's sometimes no
sales tax charged to prople outside the country.

Second, the welfare system gets it's money from hard
working citizens. I worked all the way up till 2007.
1987 - 2007. Only missing the year of 1988
I made closer to 200,000 $ in my life time.
Plus,, I probably paid in 1,000s of dollars to the
wlfare system. In a very real way,, I'm just asking
for some of it back.
I only get food... my lover pays for everything else.
You're more intelligent then this.
The problem with you is, every-time someone digs it out
of you at all, you crawl back into that corner again.
Let yourself out. You're doing more damage then good to
Sort to speak, I have myself wedged in a corner.
I have nothing about me hidden.
I do what ever I'm comfortable with, nearly any time I feel like.
I have *Minor* Pedophilic impulses, which I deal with, by never
allowing any child here.
I do it by choice,, Not Magan's Law!
Go look it up yourself.. Dennis E Strausser Jr.
Lebanon PA.
I'm *Not* on that list.
Nor are some people I know, who should probably be on
that list.
My impulses are three times stronger for stuffed animals.
Ask me what I would do,, for my Fievel Mousekewitz
stuffed animal..
And I'll answer you with a question.
What wouldn't I do for my Fievel Mousekewitz
stuffed animal.
For such a smart guy,, (Anthony Brandy)
You act like a complete idiot.
There's also a such thing as Natural Sexual Impulses.
Unless you're an alien, you have them.
Some people's impulses for children are around 1 or 2%
Some, are closer to 10 or 15%.
1 - 15% or so, is right about the natural boundary.
I'm probably bordering on 20%.
Your typical Pedophile has about a 40 or 50% rating,
on the impulses toward children.
Some, have around 70 or 80% Those,, those are the ones
you hear about the most.
Technically and psychologically speaking,, I probably would
still fall under the Normal category in percentage, if I hadn't
been abused as a child myself.
I'm a clean person, where the law's concerned.
What else would you make out of a person, who's lived nearly
40 Years, and still has no *Real* crime against him?
Even my brother and sister, cant make that claim.
My record is that clean, I could,, and wanna run for politics.
I'm clean enough to be a politician. There's just plain nothing
strong enough against me, to not run for something.
No felony of any kind. *None*
I don't plan on committing a crime, to change this either.
That's one of the reasons I avoid children.
I never had anything on my record, *Strong* anyway.
And I'm not about to start now.
One of my future goals? Change the laws on Indian Reserves.
Take that loophole away from the pedophile.
What garbage! What text book are you copying from now? Or maybe I
don't want to know.
You were the one who started this whole (Copying and Pasting) from
a text book crap.

Fieve... ;-) :-)
Jose Sanchez is a pedo
2010-05-01 17:47:04 UTC
Post by Jose Sanchez
posted some news:150a7ce6-1db1-471c-a3a2-
This is a genuine
We don't care about your sexual adventures in gay hangouts.
This is FievelJ's mum is her younger days


And this is FievelJ

Mister Reggin Rellik
2010-05-02 13:28:10 UTC
"nigger brandy is a pedo" <***@is a sick fucking nigger.com> wrote in
message news:4ca80c16-49d4-4d18-a9ab-***@n15g2000yqf.googlegroups.com...
