Is this group being used?
(too old to reply)
Graham Drabble
2009-11-23 21:38:47 UTC

It has long been custom within uk.* to check for groups that are not
being used and then to remove them. By doing this we keep the number of
dead groups down increasing the chances that someone stumbling across a
group wil find it useful.

This group appears to have been quiet for a while and has received 0
posts in the last 4 months. Is there still enough interest to keep the
group viable?

Details of the formal removal process can be found at
Graham Drabble
2009-12-07 18:52:47 UTC
Post by Graham Drabble
It has long been custom within uk.* to check for groups that are not
being used and then to remove them. By doing this we keep the number of
dead groups down increasing the chances that someone stumbling across a
group wil find it useful.
This group appears to have been quiet for a while and has received 0
posts in the last 4 months. Is there still enough interest to keep the
group viable?
Details of the formal removal process can be found at
That's a pretty weak link. The "details" you mention could be in there
somewhere, but even Google can't pin them down in one place. It might be
a better idea to print them at the bottom of your "notice".

Also: "By doing this we keep the number of
Post by Graham Drabble
dead groups down increasing the chances that someone stumbling across
a group wil find it useful"

I'm not sure of the logical strength of this argument. Presumably anyone
stumbling across a "dead group" found it on Google. There is nothing
to prevent the stumbler from reviving it, should they so desire.
What about the content that's already in there, such as it is? If the
group is killed off then eventually Google will cease to archive it.
It's a little bit 1984.

Obviously yours is a slightly superior argument to "we need the space."

Usenet is a rare and precious thing.
I have half a mind to revive this group single-handed.
Molly Mockford
2009-12-17 13:46:11 UTC
Post by hj
That's a pretty weak link. The "details" you mention could be in there
somewhere, but even Google can't pin them down in one place. It might
be a better idea to print them at the bottom of your "notice".
Discussion of the proposed removal of this group takes place in
uk.net.news.config (FU set)
Post by hj
I have half a mind to revive this group single-handed.
By all means have a go! However, it takes more than one person posting
to bring a newsgroup back to life.
Molly Mockford
Nature loves variety. Unfortunately, society hates it. (Milton Diamond Ph.D.)
(My Reply-To address *is* valid, though may not remain so for ever.)